Believe it or not, but your sleeping patterns can have a pretty large impact over your cardiovascular health. In fact, studies have recently shown that healthy sleep patterns can actually reduce the risk of heart failure in individuals.

Diet and exercise are usually the first lifestyle change that people make when they are concerned about heart health. But specialist cardiologists in Dubai have good reason to believe our sleep pattern is another important lifestyle factor to consider.

The Link Between Sleep Pattern and Heart Health

Irregular sleep patterns, whether due to a poor schedule or sleep disorders, are linked to a number of cardiovascular risks, including obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and coronary artery disease. The reason for this is that sleep-deprived people have higher blood levels of stress hormones and substances that trigger inflammation.

A lack of sleep also deprives your body of the rest that it needs to repair its cells, and this can lead to a weakening of the immune system and cardiovascular function.

On the other hand, too much sleep can also pose risks to cardiovascular health. Researchers found that people who regularly slept for nine or more hours per night had more calcium buildup in their heart artery walls and stiffer leg arteries than those who normally slept seven hours per night.

Therefore, it is very important to develop an optimal sleep routine that comprises of between 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Sleep Disorders and Cardiovascular Health

High blood pressure, another major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, can sometimes be traced to insomnia. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects many people. Not only does it prevent affected people from getting the sleep that they need, but the sleep deprivation often causes hyperarousal, stress, and irritation that can manifest itself into heart conditions.

Obstructive sleep apnea is another sleep disorder in which a person briefly stops breathing as the tongue or throat tissue blocks the airway. This can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

Therefore, if you believe that you are suffering from a sleep disorder, then it is worth visiting a heart specialist in Dubai to find out how it is affecting your cardiovascular health.

How Good Sleep Improves Heart Health?

Specialist cardiologists in Dubai recommend getting an average of 7 to 8 hours each night. This way, your body will have adequate time to repair its cells and strengthen muscles, including cardiovascular muscles.

If you have trouble sleeping, or suffer from a sleep disorder, and believe that it is affecting your heart health, then try these tips for improving your sleep schedule:

  • Fix a bedtime to follow every day.
  • Avoid stimulating activities at night, such as watching movies or using your phone.
  • Keep your room cool and dark for better sleep.
  • Avoid caffeine in the evenings.
  • Consider cognitive behavioral therapy if your sleeplessness is caused by stress or trauma.
  • Seek treatment for sleep apnea or other sleep disorders that you are suffering from.
  • Ask your heart specialist in Dubai to conduct a sleep study to determine how your heart is affecting your sleep patterns, and vice versa.

Having adequate sleep will improve your heart health in several ways. Firstly, it will boost your immune system and prevent blood pressure and other conditions that can trigger heart disease.

It will also keep you active throughout the day and encourage exercise, which is essential for optimal cardiovascular health. It will also ensure a healthy blood flow throughout the body.

Healthy sleep patterns have also been proven to improve many risk factors of heart failure, including lowering LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and inflammation, and improving HDL (“good”) cholesterol and blood pressure.

The Best Heart Hospital in Dubai?

To learn more about how your sleep patterns are affecting your cardiovascular health, book an appointment with a cardiologist at the German Heart Centre. As the leading heart hospital in Dubai, our team of specialist cardiologists can help in diagnosing possible sleep disorders and help you to develop better sleeping habits for the promotion of better heart health. Book an appointment now.

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