Cold is associated with cardiovascular diseases as it triggers the symptoms and can lead to developing acute diseases. However, cardiovascular disease-preventing can be done in order to prevent cold from initiating any such kind of disease. This article will discuss how cold affects cardiovascular health and what can be done to prevent it:
Issues With Blood Pressure
One of the common issues that occur is the change in blood pressure. This happens since the external temperature is lower than usual and is detected by the thermoreceptors in the skin. As a result, the nervous system induces a vasoconstriction reflex that reduces the diameter of the blood vessels to prevent loss of heat.
However, this also increases the blood pressure of the body in order to keep supplying heat to your body. It increases the heart rate from 5-10 beats per minute. Any person already suffering from heart issues can experience enhanced heart rate during cold.
Risk Of Atheromatous Plaque Rupture
Atheromatous plaque is referred to as lipid lining accumulation on the arteries. Exposition to cold can increase the lipid lining accumulation and can cause rupture. Some studies have been made to investigate how evident this matter is. However, even with indications that this is possible, no evident case has been discussed yet.
Risk Of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Cardiac arrhythmia is a condition that produces irregular heartbeats. The heart may beat fast or slow (also known as tachycardia and bradycardia). Experiencing cold can induce any kind of arrhythmia, especially in people that are already prone to coronary diseases. Moreover, any sort of arrhythmia may induce a deficit in oxygenated blood that would be reaching heart muscles.
Cold and Exercise
Exercising in the cold can lead to doubling the amount of stress on the heart to supply oxygen. Since the body needs an effective blood supply for meeting the body’s need to be physical and to maintain the heat of the body, the heart supplies more blood through the arteries.
However, older people and those suffering from cardiovascular issues can feel pressure mounting on their heart due to the high demand for blood supply. In such cases, the body gives up due to fatigue or can result in a cardiac arrest due to a high workout from the heart.
Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure and is one of the main reasons for developing complicated heart problems. It occurs when the body is suffering from a cold and intends to increase the blood pressure to keep it warm. However, with high blood pressure, the amount of excursion by the heart is increased by manifolds, which results in stroke and sometimes death.
Checking In With A Cardiologist
If you’re suffering from issues with your heart during cold, then consulting your cardiologist is important to know whether or not you have any serious ailment. You can refer to experts at German Heart Centre or find a reputed cardiologist near you or even refer to any heart hospital by going online.