Other early pregnancy symptoms include breasts tenderness swelling, fatigue, cramping, bloating accompanied by gas, mood swings, constipation, faintness and dizziness, pregnancy cravings and definitely missing period. To be certain about being pregnant, a home pregnancy test could be purchased at any pharmacy or drugstore, or an appointment with an OB/GYN in Dubai could definitely confirm that through running some lab tests.

Morning sickness affects up to 85% of all pregnant women. For an unlucky minority of expecting mothers, this can continue into the second trimester and in rare circumstances, some pregnant women suffer with this sickness for the entire duration of their pregnancy. Best gynecologists advice with number of tips to stop or rather ease morning sickness sessions such as;

  • Don’t eat much, eat many times:
    Eating little amounts of food on through the day often helps keeping sugar level even, bland snacks would be the best choice and always remember having an empty stomach can make sickness worse.
  • Protein rich food:
    It means an expecting mother is highly advised to eat simple, high-protein foods, and foods rich in vitamin B, such as nuts. Avoiding rich, spicy, acidic, fatty or fried foods that might trigger nausea will help stopping this.
  • Avoid strong cooking smells:
    It is not only eating certain types of food that causes but strong smells such as cooking smells may bring on feelings of nausea. Many expecting mothers are advised to have cold meals until the morning sickness passes.
  • Keep an eye on sickness patterns:
    Tracking the patterns of the sickness and when the peaks are, helps in choosing the most suitable time to have a meal and how to ease it at the right time.
  • Drink and Rest:
    Expecting mothers are advised to refrain from drinking during meals. However, drinking plenty of water through the day is inevitable and it is a must. Moreover, resting and relaxing help easing the sickness and the nausea.
  • Ginger, Lemon and Vitamins:
    Having ginger tea using the peeled grated root, or taking ginger syrup, capsules or tablets, in moderation, and adding lemon slices to water, sparkling or not, or to iced tea eases and comforts expecting mothers. Taking vitamins will ensure that a mother is getting the daily recommended dose of folic acid and Vitamin D to maintain strength and avoid faintness.

Motherhood is a miracle and a bless every woman is bestowed upon with it, and at German Heart Centre we understand and guarantee a loving, and understanding the best experienced team of Specialist Obstetricians and Gynecologists to walk expecting mothers step by step through their pregnancy. Call today for an appointment.

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