What is psoriasis?
There is not a list of certain “Psoriasis Causes” as it is known that the immune system and genetics play major parts in how it develops. Usually, something triggers psoriasis to out-burst. The skin cells in people with psoriasis grow at an abnormal rate, leading to the buildup of psoriasis lesions.
Where does it mostly appear?
Some patients report that psoriasis is itchy, irritating and burns or stings. Although it can appear on any part of the body including the eyelids, ears, mouth and lips, hands, feet, nails and even genitals (mostly in men). It is common to appear mostly on:
- The Scalp
- Skin Folds
- The outside of the elbows
- The knees
What are Psoriasis Symptoms?
Psoriasis causes raised, red, scaly patches to appear on the skin, generally speaking. However, it differs per the type of Psoriasis diagnosed:
- Plaque Psoriasis
The most common type, it appears as a silvery white buildup dead skin cells covering raised, red skin patches. Plaques most often appear on the scalp, knees, elbows, and lower back. They are often itchy and painful, and they could crack and bleed. - Guttate
Appears as a spread of red spot or dot like lesions.
- Inverse
Appears as red lesions (may appear smooth and shiny) in body folds, such as under the arms, behind the knees, or in the groin.
- Pustular
It is white pustules or blisters of noninfectious pus surrounded by red skin. The pus is nothing but white blood cells and it occurs mostly on the hands or feet.
- Erythrodermic
A severe, yet rare, form of psoriasis that leads to widespread, fiery redness over most of the body causing severe itching and pain, and make the skin come off in sheets. It could develop from Plaque Psoriasis.
What are Psoriasis Causes and Risk Factors?
Gender has nothing to do with the development of Psoriasis as it develops equally for men and women. Psoriasis also occurs in all racial groups, and it often develops between the ages of 15 and 35. However, Psoriasis can develop at any age. Psoriasis as a disease is noninfectious, meaning it is not contagious nor transmittable. It cannot be passed or acquired by an infection ad it cannot be “caught”.
Psoriasis could also be associated with other health conditions, such as:
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Depression
Psoriasis Treatments
Psoriasis treatments vary as per the type, condition and stage. They include steroid creams, occlusion, light therapy and oral medications.
August is the month of Psoriasis awareness
It started, when NPF (National Psoriasis Foundation) created the first “National Psoriasis Awareness Month,” in August 1997. It was NPF’s “first full-scale national public awareness campaign” with that appeared in newspapers and on radio and TV. NPF wanted to spread their messages of awareness:
- Psoriasis is not transmittable nor contagious
- It is a serious health problem and not to be taken lightly
- Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that can be quite severe and even disabling
In an alignment with the National Psoriasis Foundation, German Heart Centre thrives to raise the awareness of the public on the seriousness and the nature of the disease. With the support and the help of the best Dermatologist in Dubai, Dr. Rolf Soehnchen, GHC offers its complete support to understand treat to relief the pain of those who are in suffrage. German Heart Centre and the best skin specialist in Dubai, Dr. Soehnchen, promise to support and aid you and your loved ones to understand and get the most supportive and successful possible care. You do not have to be alone!