A great percentage of men with early prostate cancer does not have or notice any symptoms or signs highlighting having it. Nevertheless, there are some early indications and criteria that could mean you are more likely to get prostate cancer than others. They might be referred to or described as risk factors. Even if one does not have any of the symptoms that are listed below, a visit to a urologist about prostate cancer worry or concern would be inevitable if the following signs started to appear or happen. A urologist can walk you through your risk possibility, and about the tests to diagnose prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer early risk factors:
- 50 and above age
Prostate cancer is at a higher risk with men over 50, and your risk increases as you get older. The average age for a diagnosis of prostate cancer is between 65 and 69 years. Men under 50 risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer is very low. Few cases under 50 are possible, but it is not common. However, men over 45 but worried about a higher risk of prostate cancer – because of having a family history of prostate cancer– talking to a urologist might be the best decision.
- It has been in the family
Genes are inherited from parents. Genes control body growth, behavior, and appearance. A gene fault or mutation could sometimes develop to cancer. Having a first-degree family member with prostate cancer or breast cancer could increase your own risk of getting prostate cancer.
- One is 2.5 times more likely to have it if his father or brother has had it, compared to someone with no relatives with prostate cancer.
- The risk grows bigger if the father or the brother was under 60 when he was diagnosed.
- Having more than one first-degree relative with prostate cancer.
- Bodyweight
Staying at a healthy weight – for example by eating healthily and keeping active – is very important. As per the World Cancer Research Fund International, Research suggests that being overweight or obese can increase the risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer. With obesity, it is more likely to be acute or more to spread and behave aggressively or advanced.
Prostate Cancer symptoms
Early prostate cancer does not have any signs or symptoms. It is due to the way cancer grows. Nevertheless, early symptoms could appear if cancer grows near the urethra and places pressure against it. However, it is not as common because prostate cancer usually starts to grow in a different part of the prostate and does not often press on the urethra and cause symptoms. Possible differentiations include:
- Struggle in starting to urinate or emptying the bladder
- A weak urination flow
- A recurring feeling that the bladder has not emptied properly
- Dribbling urine after you finish urinating
- The need to urinate more often, especially at night
- A surprising urge to urinate – that sometimes causes a leak before getting to the toilet.
If prostate cancer breaks out of the prostate or spreads to other body parts, it could cause other symptoms, including:
- Back, hip or pelvic pain
- Problems getting an erection or keeping it
- Blood in the urine or semen
- Unexplained weight loss.
German Heart Centre’s Consultant Urologist, Dr. Noor Buchholz is an accomplished, world-renown experienced German urologist in Dubai. He has been one of only 50 trainers worldwide recognized by the International Endourology Society (IES). Get consultancy with or without having any signs or symptoms, early diagnosis means better treatment results. Stay on the safe side for yourself and your loved ones, book an appointment at the best Urology Clinic in Dubai today.