Our heart is one of the most sensitive organs of our body. Aorta is the most important part of our heart that is responsible for blood circulation in the body. Many heart doctors in Dubai have stated that people can face aortic valve diseases that are responsible for poor heart health, leading to fatality if not treated properly. Let’s take a look at what makes the aorta an important part of your heart and what problems can arise with it:

What is Aorta?

As highlighted earlier, the aorta is the most important part of your heart, which is responsible for circulating blood from your heart to your body. It’s in fact the biggest artery, which makes it efficient in circulating blood. It’s over a foot long and an inch in diameter.

The aorta has three layers, including:

•    The inner layer or intima is responsible for the smooth flow of blood to all body parts
•    The middle layer or media is responsible for expansion and contraction as needed during a heartbeat because of its elastic fibers and muscles
•    The outer layer or adventitia is responsible for providing additional support for the aorta.

It’s also divided into 4 parts, which include:

Ascending Aorta

This aorta rises from the heart and is about 2 inches long. Coronary arteries branching from the ascending aorta are responsible for supplying blood to the heart.

Aortic Curve

Responsible for bringing blood to the head, neck, and arms, the aortic curve ‘curves’ around the heart with its branches; hence the name.

Descending Thoracic Aorta

The descending thoracic aorta travels down to the chest and supplies blood to ribs and chest structures.

Abdominal Aorta

Beginning at the diaphragm and splitting into iliac arteries in the lower abdomen, the abdominal aorta is responsible for most circulation to your body.

Circulation is done when the heart pumps blood to the aorta from its left ventricle through the aortic valve. A one-way flow of blood is ensured with three leaflets that are covering the valve. Simultaneously closing when the blood is pumped in the aorta from the left ventricle, these leaflets ensure blood doesn’t recline. Then it’s transferred to the respective aortas for circulation.

Aorta Diseases

The most common aorta diseases include:

Aortic Aneurysm

The aortic aneurysm is the weakening or bulging of the aorta that can occur anywhere. The person can face different problems resulting from an aortic aneurysm, including:

•    Rupture at the weakened or bulged area, which can cause rupture, resulting in leakage of blood in the body
•    Dissection in the walls resulting in leakage and accumulation of blood in the body parts

The condition is caused by Atherosclerosis, known to form plaque in the arteries as a result of poor diet, smoking, etc. Rupturing occurs because of high blood pressure causing the bulged area to explode.

Aortic Dissection

The aortic dissection is also called dissection. It occurs due to the splitting of the artery walls. As a result, incoming blood from the heart continuously leaks into the space. Upon accumulation, it splits the artery further, resulting in blood accumulation in the said space or body part. Chest trauma, hypertension, etc. are some of the primary causes for aortic dissection.


Aortic diseases are treated mainly in two ways:


In case the situation has become severe with the bulged area close to rupturing or has already ruptured, doctors recommend surgery to ensure that treatment is done on time.


Although medication won’t be helping in case of an emergency, it still helps to keep the blood pressure low. However, you need to consult your doctors at the aortic valve treatment centre in Dubai, considering the situation of your aorta.

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