Impact of Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease on Your Heart Health
The disorder known as chronic rheumatic heart disease, or RHD, can seriously compromise the state of your heart. Rheumatic fever is the most often occurring

Why Regular Heart Check-ups Are Essential for Better Health
This is a fact that people often neglect their health in their daily bustle and rush, especially if they have no symptoms. But if you

Obesity and Heart Disease: What is the Connection?
Obesity has been increasing in the United Arab Emirates for decades. It has been shown to make living uncomfortable and reduce people’s quality of life.

Gum Disease and Heart Health Connection
Nowadays, medical researchers are exposing many facts to understand how minor things can affect human health. Usually, people ignore gum diseases because they think it’s

Healthy Ways to Ensure Cardiovascular Health for Everyone
Heart disease is the major cause of death. You cannot change some risk factors, such as family history, lifestyle, or age. However, you can take

Why Your Child Should See a Pediatric Cardiologist in Dubai
Finding from your doctor that your child has a congenital heart problem is stressful. Every parent must be very aware of their children’s health. Unfortunately,

E-Cigarettes and Cardiovascular Health: The Risks of Vaping
Nowadays, many youngsters and adults adopt the habit of smoking e-cigarettes. This product is one of the most popular ones in the market but who

Congestive Heart Failure: A Primer for Patient Awareness
Congestive heart failure is a serious condition that affects millions of people. However, people with congestive heart failure may be asymptomatic until the heart’s functional

Differences Between Heart Attack And Cardiac Arrest
These two terms are often used interchangeably although they are not the same. A heart attack happens when the blood flow to the heart becomes